
Functions to build the model. The LocalClusterExpansion reads a cif (for example, a NaSICON cif) and generate typically, the orbital in KMC. Typical output is lce.json

This is related to the Table S3 in KMC support information pdf.

class kmcpy.model.LocalClusterExpansion(api=1)[source]

LocalClusterExpansion will be initialized with a template structure where all the sites are occupied cutoff_cluster is the cutoff for pairs and triplet cutoff_region is the cutoff for generating local cluster region

initialization3(mobile_ion_identifier_type='label', mobile_ion_specie_1_identifier='Na1', cutoff_cluster=[8, 6, 0], cutoff_region=4, template_cif_fname='EntryWithCollCode15546_Na4Zr2Si3O12_573K.cif', is_write_basis=False, species_to_be_removed=['Zr4+', 'O2-', 'O', 'Zr'], convert_to_primitive_cell=False, exclude_site_with_identifier=[], is_grain_boundary_model=False, **kwargs)[source]

3rd version of initialization: Note that change the self.centerNa1 to self.center_site.coords

Strictly use the cif file because I only modified the structure.from_cif

use structure matcher

  • mobile_ion_identifier_type="label" – refers to structure_operation.find_atom_indices

  • mobile_ion_specie_1_identifier="Na1" – refers to structure_operation.find_atom_indices

  • cutoff_cluster (list, optional) – cluster cutoff. Defaults to [6,6,6].

  • cutoff_region (float, optional) – cutoff for finding migration unit. Defaults to 4.

  • template_cif_fname (str, optional) – generate cluster from which cif?. Defaults to ‘EntryWithCollCode15546_Na4Zr2Si3O12_573K.cif’.

  • is_write_basis (bool, optional) – .?. Defaults to False.

  • species_to_be_removed (list, optional) – species to be removed which do not involve in the calculation. Defaults to [‘Zr4+’,’O2-‘,’O’,’Zr’].

If the next-step KMC is not based on the same lce object generated in this step, then be careful with 2 things: 1) the Ekra generated in this step can be transferred to the KMC, within which the orbitals are arranged in the same way as here; 2) the sublattice_indices are exactly corresponding to the input structure used in the KMC step, which might in need of re-cunstruction of a lce object using the same KMC-input structure.


return a list of Orbit

For each orbit, loop over clusters
for each cluster, check if this cluster exists in this orbit

if not, attach the cluster to orbit else,


example output as exmaples/lce.json


fname (_type_) – _description_